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Indemnication of trustees

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Title: Indemnication of trustees

Bio: Indemnication of trustees


Indemnication of trustees

The All India Anti Corruption Board’s trust provides indemnification to trustees, protecting them from personal liability for actions taken in good faith while carrying out their responsibilities. This indemnification covers legal fees, damages, and other expenses incurred by trustees in the event of legal proceedings. However, indemnification is only provided if the trustee’s actions are within the scope of their duties and are not in violation of the trust’s governing laws or principles. By indemnifying trustees, the trust ensures that they can perform their duties without fear of personal financial loss, encouraging responsible and ethical decision-making.

Trustee Information

Trustees are also required to adhere to the trust’s legal and regulatory obligations, ensuring that all activities are conducted within the framework of the law. By adhering to these covenants, trustees help maintain the trust’s reputation and ensure its long-term success.